Further action needed on Sanctuary bill
While I am glad you voted to restrict certain funding to sanctuary localities, Congress must do more to block funding and encourage localities to comply with federal immigration law. The Davis-Oliver Act, H.R. 1148, would block federal law enforcement and SCAAP funding to sanctuary localities and needs to be passed. Please do all you can to make this happen.
It is truly disappointing that it took the shooting death of Kate Steinle by a five-times deported illegal aliens to force Congress to move on this issue. If Congress had taken action in previous years to prevent localities like San Fransisco from sheltering illegal aliens, countless lives would have been saved. However, passing the Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act is a positive first step to tackle this issue, but more must be done.
You and your colleagues took strong action earlier this year to block funding to sanctuary localities when you passed Rep. Steve King’s amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill and you must now follow up to make sure those funding cuts make it into law. H.R. 1148, the Davis-Oliver Act, is named after two police officers who were killed in the line of duty by a twice-deported illegal alien. This legislation would block both SCAAP and federal law enforcement grants to sanctuary localities and prevent ICE from releasing criminal illegal aliens. Thursday’s legislation would only block SCAAP funding and give DHS the ability to restrict federal law enforcement grants to sanctuary localities.
Thank you again for passing legislation to restrict sanctuary funding, please finish the task by passing H.R. 1148, the Davis-Oliver Act.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA
P.S. I know you feel passionately about this issue, so let’s get to work.