Stop Obama’s unfair, illegal-alien tax credits
I was appalled to hear IRS Commissioner John Koskinen confirm that illegal aliens who receive amnesty through Pres. Obama’s executive actions would be eligible to receive tax credits from previous years. The administration continues to sell the president’s executive actions as simply a “relief from deportation,” but Commissioner Koskinen’s statement proves that it’s much more than that.
In a written response to Sen. Chuck Grassley, Commissioner Koskinen said, “To clarify my earlier comments on EITC, not only can an individual amend a prior year return to claim EITC, but an individual who did not file a prior year return may file a return and claim EITC (subject to refund limitations under section 6511 of the Internal Revenue Code).”
So in addition to work permits, Social Security cards, and quasi-legal status, illegal aliens who benefit under Pres. Obama’s November 2014 executive actions would also receive up to three years of tax credits even if they worked in the country illegally during those years. This is absurd!
The president’s actions are not fair for the millions of hard-working, taxpaying, law-abiding Americans. I hope you will put Americans and first and do all you can to stop the president’s overreach.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA