President Obama must not given fast track authority (TPA) for the TransPacific Partnership (TPP). The potential ramifications for American workers are far too great for the Congress to be prevented from having sufficient debate of the free trade agreement and the ability to amend it. I urge you not to give President Obama this authority.

The Department of Homeland Security Inspector General says L-1 visas are notorious for fraud and abuse. L-1 visas require only general knowledge and are not numerically limited. This is in contrast to the H-1B program, which has does have anti-fraud mechanisms and requires visa recipients to have extraordinary skills. Also unlike the H-1B program, L-1 visa applicants do not need to show that there is a skills shortage in their expertise and do not need to be paid the prevailing wage. On top of this, the spouses of L-1 visa holders are generally given a work permit, which is in stark contrast to the H-1B program.

Expanding use of the L-1 visa program would be dangerous to an untold number of skilled American workers. While the H-1B program can only dole out a limited number of visas each year and visa recipients must show expert knowledge, the L-1 program has no such limitations.

Please do all you can to make sure the president is not granted fast track authority for the TPP so that Congress has a chance to address the L-1 issue.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA