Oppose Obama’s executive amnesties
I am e-mailing you today to ask that you take three important actions to oppose Obama’s executive amnesties:
Publicly voice your opposition to Obama’s intention to expand his DACA program;
Call on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to bring the Blackburn bill to the Senate floor for a vote (It would cut funding to Obama’s DACA program and any future expansions of the program.);*
Appeal to Obama directly and tell him that he should not go through with his plans grant work permits to millions of illegal aliens when 18 million Americans cannot find a full time job. This would only encourage more illegal immigration and hurt American workers.
Thank you.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA
* Senators Sessions (AL), Cruz (TX), McConnell (KY), Shelby (AL), Moran (KS), Coats (IN), Vitter (LA), and Hoeven (SD) have already done this.