I find it disturbing that H.R. 3344, the Fraudulent Overseas Recruitment and Trafficking Elimination Act, that may soon receive a floor vote, shares language with S. 744, the Obama-Schumer amnesty. Passage of this bill would give Harry Reid the House-passed immigration bill he needs to force S. 744 on the American people. Please do not vote for H.R. 3344’s passage.

Forcing the Obama-Schumer amnesty on the American people, especially when 20 million Americans cannot find a full-time job, would be a travesty. The bill doesn’t secure the border or do anything to prevent future illegal immigration. It would give work permits to 11-18 million illegal aliens and more than double immigration numbers at a time when a record number of Americans are unemployed, underemployed, and outside the workforce. H.R. 3344 addresses an important problem. However, it is not worth passing if it means the Obama-Schumer amnesty passes. Please do not support or vote for the bill.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA