Support H.R. 3788
We hope you will support H.R. 3788, so that illegal aliens will no longer be able to claim the child tax credit.
According to a recent report on illegal alien tax fraud, there are some illegal aliens who are claiming tax credits for up to 20 children, most of which don’t even live with them in the United States. One illegal alien received a tax return of nearly $30,000! I don’t understand how Congress has allowed this situation to occur. Even the Inspector General for the U.S. Treasury Department was interviewed for the report, and he said he’s warned the IRS about this for years.
It’s bad enough that Congress is allowing illegal aliens to claim over $4 billion in fraudulent tax refunds each year, it’s even worse that during this time of fiscal belt-tightening that Congress has cut benefits to military veterans. It almost looks like that many in Congress believe that illegal aliens are more deserving of taxpayer-funded services than those who have served our nation.
H.R. 3788 would eliminate this loophole and restore funding for veterans. Please cosponsor this bill and do all you can to get it passed.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA
P.S. I’m still flabbergasted that you signed the Omnibus Spending Bill. Supporting H.R. 3788 is a pretty conservative thing to do, and I’m not at all convinced that you are up to the task.