Oppose H.R. 1417
Please oppose H.R. 1417, the McCaul-Jackson Lee border security bill. The bill will not secure the border as it actually rolls back current border security laws. Please make it clear that you will not support any bills that make our nation less secure.
This legislation would require DHS to report regularly on the status of U.S. borders (which they are already required to do), submit a plan to gain operational control of U.S. borders, and requires DHS to submit a plan to introduce biometric security at points of entry (current law requires DHS to actually put this system into place, not just plan it). This law might make its supporters feel good, but it won’t actually achieve anything of significance — it will actually make our nation less secure.
Unfortunately, passing this bill would give pro-amnesty forces the bill they need to attach their mass amnesty legislation to. Once this is done, there is every likelihood that their mass amnesty bill, attached to H.R. 1417, would reach President Obama’s desk for his signature.
I urge you to oppose the McCaul-Jackson Lee bill. Its passage would have devastating consequences.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA