From the Old Game Warden
California Rifle and Pistol Association Fullerton, CA
Dear Sirs,
The article by Walt Mansell in the December “From the Old Game Warden” (Bridging the Language Barrier, page 16) made me so angry I’m not certain I can be civil in pointing out what bone-headed nonsense it contains. But here goes anyway.
Let’s start with must be the foundation of any discussion about immigration: A nation without borders is not a nation (Ronald Reagan). The whole point of having borders is to protect our society and our culture. Failure to protect your own society and/or culture is suicidal. There are reasons why the United States is — or at least, used to be — a uniquely great country. Unfortunately, we as a country have not only failed to protect our borders, society, and culture, but in fact have allow those who hate our society and culture to gain control. As a result, the stature of the United States has plummeted, to the delight of the elite and dismay of the average citizen.
So in this miasma, along comes good ol’ Walt Mansell, who after writing that he observed Mr. Gomez breaking the law, takes pains to assure the reader that he thinks “farm laborers” are just terrific, the implication being that Mansell doesn’t care if someone is in the country illegally, or if he is involved in any number of criminal activities small and large. As long as he says he’s a farm laborer and gets his fishing license, we don’t need to worry about whether a person entered the country illegally, is working legally in this country, has engaged in identity theft to further his criminal activities, fails to pay taxes, is on public assistance, is by his very presence driving down the labor market to the point that actual citizens cannot compete for farm jobs, drives while drunk, assists others in entering and/or remaining in this country illegally, or engages in any of the myriad of crimes associated with illegal aliens.
So after the cipher Gomez turns out to be a “man of his words,” Mansell drives down to return his fishing gear, only to find that Gomez lives in an area where no one seems to speak English. No alarm bells there, huh? Sure, you have to be able to speak English to become a citizen, but if borders aren’t important, then neither is citizenship. That’s why it’s unimportant to Mansell that these probably-illegal aliens were reticent about speaking with him, and may even have lied to him about their language skills.
Fortunately, Mansell finds some kids who speak English by virtue of attending schools in America. Imagine that. How wonderful that United States taxpayers are funding the education of Mexican kids who by law shouldn’t be in the country in the first place.
In wrapping up, Mansell acknowledges there have been times when he as a citizen felt that he wasn’t getting as good a deal when dealing with bureaucracies as he might have if he had been a non-English-speaking alien! Like the main character in Jack London’s “To Build A Fire,” Mansell is able to see all the details without manifesting even the least ability to draw the obvious conclusions from the facts at hand.
So for Mansell and others like him, here’s a conclusion or two.
Once the political leadership turns against the history, culture, and citizenry of its own state, it doesn’t take long before the state feels threatened by the history and culture that came before, and initiates actions against the citizenry. Among those actions will be favoring that which is foreign, over that which is autochthonous.
While Mansell himself may not have gone that far, the fact that he as a game warden has failed to identify an invasive species shows that he is definitely part of the problem, and not part of the solution.