Veto A.B. 2189
A.B. 2189 would give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants that receive deferred action status (i.e., a temporary stay from deportation) from the federal government. I oppose this bill and ask that you veto it.
Conferring deferred action status on a class of individuals is an unprecedented abuse of power that will make it harder for people right here in our state to find jobs. Recent college grads can’t find jobs. Legal immigrants who settled here can’t find jobs. So, why would we want to make it easier for deferred action recipients to hold jobs by giving them driver’s licenses?
California has a choice. We can help counter the fallout from the Obama Administration’s abuse of power by denying licenses to deferred action recipients.
Please veto A.B. 2189.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA