Defeat ACA 27
Assemblyman John Perez:
It is ridiculous for the state to try to amend the constitution to set up a program for illegal immigrants that can never be fully implemented. Please ensure that ACA 27 is defeated.
ACA 27 will fail to achieve its goals for the same reasons as AB1544, the guest worker bill that was pulled from consideration. That’s because there is no federal authority for the issuance of blanket prosecutorial waivers. Moreover, each encroaches upon federal jurisdiction in that they establish state conditions for vetting legal presence.
Technical reasons aside, ACA 27 is just bad policy. The measure will create another wave of illegal immigration even if it can’t be implemented. Right now, over 2 million legal residents seek full time work and can’t find it. Why would we exacerbate their difficulties?
Please ensure ACA 27’s defeat. I will be watching this issue and I vote.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA