ACA 27, the amnesty constitutional amendment, is a slap in the face of every unemployed Californian. Constituents like me expect you to vote NO on this unacceptable measure.

Some are saying the ACA 27 could be a model for the nation. What a joke. Utah passed a somewhat similar guest worker law and can’’t get approval from the federal government to implement it. There is no authority for the feds to approve this program either.

No, ACA 27 is reckless legislation. It is unconscionable to attempt to amnesty hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants when citizens and legal residents face 11 percent unemployment. It’s the equivalent of promoting more job competition for the least fortunate among us.

Perhaps Assemblyman Fuentes is pushing the measure in the legislature because he can’t get enough signatures to place his related initiative on the ballot. I certainly would not sign a petition and I hope you will not sign on to his wrongheaded proposal. Vote to defeat ACA 27.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA