Pass S. 577
I just saw an eye-opening report by an Indiana television station that exposed the tax fraud being done by illegal aliens in our country. Apparently, illegal aliens are receiving more than $4 BILLION of taxpayer-funded refunds from the IRS. The House has already acted to end this abuse and the Senate needs to act by passing the Child Tax Credit Integrity Preservation Act.
I cannot understand why illegal aliens are able to claim upwards of 20 children — many of whom don’t exist, let alone ever having been to America — and receive thousands of dollars from the IRS by taking advantage of tax credits! What is going on?
According to a report from WTHR in Indianapolis, IRS officials are pressuring their agents to quickly approve applications for Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers that allow illegal aliens to take advantage of the tax credit. This must be stopped!
Illegal aliens already take advantage of taxpayer-funded services such as education, health care and other public services. The last thing we need to do is dish out thousands of dollars in tax credits. I was so shocked to see how easy it was for illegal aliens to cheat the system, and it’s time for Congress to do something about it!
The House has already done its part by passing legislation to close this loophole. The Senate now needs to do the same by passing Sen. Vitter’s S. 577.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA