Oppose executive action amnesty
Why on Earth would Resident Obama or his appointees at USCIS ever consider using executive actions to amnesty the 12-18 million (lawbreaking) illegal aliens living in the United States? The USCIS memo called “Administrative Alternatives to Comprehensive Immigration Reform” is truly odious.
The stated purpose of this memo is to: “offer administrative relief options to promote family unity, foster economic growth, achieve significant process improvements and reduce the threat of removal for certain individuals present in the United States without authorization. It includes recommendations regarding timeframes and required resources.”
Since when is it the job of the President and his underlings to bypass Congress in order to amnesty the 12-18 million illegal aliens living in the United States? Clearly, it is not.
I urge you to take prompt action to publicly express your outrage with this memorandum and to demand the resignation of every USCIS employee involved in its creation.
I’m sure we both agree that any attempt by the Resident to circumvent Congress in this fashion is only the thin end of the wedge and will surely lead to more disastrous power grabs.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA
P.S. Resident Obama must be opposed at every turn, lest he be allowed to destroy this country further. Do not let Obama grant himself amnesty!