It is absurd that America’s unions, including the A.F.L.-C.I.O., are supporting comprehensive amnesty! Such a plan, if enacted, would harm millions of American workers.

John Sweeney, the president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O, said, “The labor movement will work together to make sure that the White House, as well as Congress, understand that we speak about immigration reform with one voice.” Considering that more than 13 million Americans are unemployed (many of whom belong to unions such as the A.F.L.-C.I.O.), how can any union support comprehensive amnesty legislation? This legislation, if passed, would permanently disemploy at least 7 million American workers.

One might wonder whom exactly Mr. Sweeney’s “labor movement” represents. Does it represent hardworking American workers or the businesses who employ them? American workers would not benefit from any amnesty, but big businesses would surely benefit from the cheap foreign labor an amnesty would provide.

I urge you to do all you can to fight any attempt by anti-American worker politicians to force an amnesty through the Congress. Millions of American workers (many of whom belong to labor unions) are depending on the support of you and your colleagues.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

P.S. America first!