Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents do a fantastic job enforcing our nation’s laws. How can Speaker Nancy Pelosi call them “un-American?”

I am accustomed to Speaker Pelosi pandering to illegal aliens and anti-American worker groups. However, her recent comments at Rep. Luis Gutierrez’s “immigration listening session” were truly atrocious — even for her.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents are patriotic, hard working, and law-abiding men and women who do their utmost to protect the livelihoods and freedoms of Americans. How can the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives call their actions “un-American?”

There are more than 12 million unemployed Americans. Do you think this is acceptable? I sincerely hope not. This number is even more shameful considering the more than 7.7 million illegal aliens who have jobs. Do you believe this injustice should be allowed to continue?

ICE agents are trying to level the playing field for Americans and legal immigrant workers. What part of this does Speaker Pelosi find so appalling and “un-American?”

I urge you to publicly denounce Speaker Pelosi’s comments. As one of Speaker Pelosi’s Democratic colleagues, your denunciation would carry a lot of weight and prove that your party does not share the Speaker’s sentiments.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

P.S. We need our elected officials to represent American citizens for a change. This means you!