It is absurd that you would even consider opposing ICE’s work site enforcement raids when more than 11.5 million Americans cannot find a job.

There are more than 11.5 million unemployed Americans and more than 500,000 Americans are losing their jobs each month. Don’t you find this absolutely appalling?

You can then understand why I find your displeasure with ICE’s February 24 raid to be absolutely disgusting. Resident Obama has, time and again, made creating jobs his top priority. With this in mind, how can you justify instigating an investigation of ICE’s actions when the raid will provide jobs for 28 Americans?

It is vital that you do not take any action that would deter ICE agents from conducting work site enforcement raids. There are more than 11.5 million unemployed Americans and ICE’s raids give hope these downtrodden Americans.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

P.S. Please uphold your oath of office — protect our borders!