I am outraged that America is continuing to import 1.5 million workers per year when there are more than 11 million unemployed American workers. You must take immediate action to ensure that only American workers benefit from the economic stimulus package.

I know that the House of Representative’s economic stimulus package prevents illegal aliens from acquiring jobs created or funded by the package. This, however, does not go far enough.

It is abominable that American businesses continue to import 1.5 million foreign workers each year when there are more than 11 million unemployed Americans. The majority of these foreign workers do not have talents or abilities which American workers don’t have; businesses simply wish to hire employees who make less per hour. This shameless disregard for the plight of America’s workers cannot be allowed to continue.

The Senate is currently considering their own version of the economic stimulus package. It is likely that the House and Senate versions will end up in a Conference committee, which means there is still time to ensure that only American workers benefit from economic stimulus package. Please use this opportunity to make sure that businesses who receive stimulus funds hire only American workers. American taxpayers are footing the bill for this economic stimulus and we should be the ones who receive any jobs created by it.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA