Support H.R 4437
One only has to look at the effect of the Senate’s “compromise” bill to begin to understand how American communities and occupations will be flooded with gigantic new flows of foreign workers and dependents. I’m counting on you and your colleagues not to let this happen.
H.R. 4437 and the 25 Amendments contained within the bill would combat illegal immigration more than any bill in U.S. history. I am counting on you and your colleagues in the House to ensure that the Senate does not pass a bill that would erase and ignore this crucial legislation.
If and when a compromise bill comes back to the House, it is imperative that you reject any legislation that includes a massive amnesty and guestworker program.
Recent polls show that American citizens and voters overwhelming disapprove of any rewards for illegal aliens lawbreakers and you should act and vote on their opinions — not those of illegal aliens and their supporters marching in the streets.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA
P.S. Please don’t join with our traitorous California Senators in voting to destroy our country and way of life. We must take control of our borders now.
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