I hope I don’t have to march in the streets to get your attention.

Right now, it looks like most Senators are more interested in pleasing the illegal aliens marching in the streets than they are in representing regular American workers and citizens.

I don’t want an amnesty for the 12-20 million illegal aliens in this country. Any thing that gives illegal aliens the legal status to live and work indefinitely in this country is an amnesty. And even if you say it isn’t an amnesty and call it something else, I will oppose it.

Census data shows that we already have nearly 50 million foreign workers, immigrants and their children. I can’t believe the Senate is now debating the McCain-Kennedy bill (S. 1033) and other proposals that would give PERMANENT green cards and work permits to 20-35 million foreign workers and their dependents over the next decade alone. Enough is enough.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

P.S. This may be a small point, but do you realize that the people you are attempting to bring into this country hate Jews with a passion? Where do you think you and your family will stand once they have taken over? If you don’t want to find out the hard way, keep them out of the country!