The people of California are counting on you to oppose amnesty. Just say “NO” to amnesty.

The media are reporting that the immigration proposal that will likely be voted out of the Judiciary Committee may contain a massive “guest” worker program that would lead to citizenship for illegal aliens, and a doubling of regular, permanent immigration.

I find it outrageous that the Senate Judiciary Committee would include this giant reward for illegal immigration in its immigration bill — and would decide to further flood our American communities and the American workplace with foreign workers and their dependents.

I know you have said you oppose a guestworker program. That is why I hope you will do as Rep. Tancredo, Chair of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, suggests. Please vote against any amendment and any bill that would reward illegal immigration or that would encourage even more importation of foreign workers.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

P.S. Any elected official who does not work to protect our borders is violating his oath of office at the very least. I’m counting on you to keep your word.