206 House Democrats sponsor massive amnesty bill
- As feared, the “Dream and Promise Act of 2019” is a massive amnesty with some hair-raising provisions: Some domestic abusers may get to stay in U.S.?
The amnesty bill we anticipated has been introduced by House Democrats. Some provisions seem downright absurd (read on!), but we have to take it seriously: All but a few Democrats have already cosponsored it. It is on the fast track. The press and so many political factions are already pushing for this. We are certain that we can defeat it, just as we’ve always defeated stand-alone amnesties that harm U.S. citizens.
Thanks to citizen activists, NOT ONE of the 50 amnesties proposed by Congress this century has passed! But, it’s not enough just to defeat this bill. We must do so resoundingly, to show that it’s not just a matter of time before Congress passes another amnesty. We must again dominate the discussion and make our voices heard in the halls of Congress. We have to raise our voices to say, “No! This amnesty will NEVER pass!”
This bill affects far more people than President Obama’s DACA amnesty, which protected 690,000 people who applied and met the conditions. The “American Dream and Promise Act of 2019” (H.R. 6) would amnesty 2.3 million — this includes giving legal permanent residency (LPR-Green Cards) to most of the illegal aliens who claim to have entered the United States before age 18. Green card holders can become U.S. citizens with a few more steps.
On top of that, the bill will grant permanent legal status to about 429,000 people from twelve countries who currently live in the U.S. under something called Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Experts say most of those people entered illegally. Why should we give permanent status and citizenship to people who’ve only been allowed to stay with the understanding that they will go back home when the situation there improves?
The bill’s text was just released today, and analysts are dissecting it now. What’s clear already is that if someone who would otherwise be eligible for this sweeping citizen-track amnesty has already been deported during the Trump administration, he or she can apply to be readmitted to gain reentry and a path to U.S. citizenship.
One argument for DACA was that it supposedly brought people “out of the shadows.” This bill would protect illegal aliens even if they hadn’t applied until after they were caught. And they could stay in America while their application was being considered … and being appealed.
A big problem with this bill is that it hasn’t been drawn up in a vacuum. In the past few months, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have stormed the border. This includes record numbers of entire families and a large number of unaccompanied minors. With bills like H.R. 6 gaining traction in Congress, these new illegal arrivals and those yet to come have every reason to believe that they, too, will eventually be offered amnesty and a path to citizenship.
After all, this very bill grants amnesty to aliens who arrived after President Obama’s DACA amnesty was implemented!
Remember how the open-borders crowd insists the government must allow the caravans in and hear their asylum claims because so many of the aliens are fleeing domestic violence? This bill actually authorizes the government to allow the perpetrators of domestic violence to stay, on the basis of family unity or humanitarianism! (More below.)
Yet, together, we can defeat this bill. With the large amnesties that were passed in the 1980s and 1990s, amnesty was always followed by a surge in illegal immigration. Invades correctly assumed that if they held on long enough, they too would receive amnesty. Introducing THIS amnesty offers encouragement to those who haven’t come yet, but would have qualified, including previous deportees and unaccompanied minors.
H.R. 6 is as bad as we expected and even worse in some ways. Based on the bill’s summary, and the text just released, this bill will not only protect covered illegal aliens living in America, but it will also welcome deportees to come back! The summary states:
“The bill also includes a number of provisions for Dreamers, including … permitting eligible Dreamers deported from the United States by the Trump Administration to apply for relief [protected status] from abroad …”
Once “relief” is granted, those newly amnestied individuals will be able to get work papers and in-state tuition benefits in all 50 states.
Do your friends argue that DREAMers are highly educated workers our economy needs? To qualify, applicants need only a high-school diploma. Or an equivalency exam. Or whatever “industry-recognized credential” or “apprenticeship program” the bill allows. Or simply be working toward one.
Illegal aliens don’t even need to come forward to be protected by this bill. The bill prevents Homeland Security and the Department of Justice from removing anyone who appears eligible on the face of it until they apply for relief and are rejected.
Who knows WHAT future administrations may do with the can of worms this bill opens up?
This may astonish and outrage you more:
Like the previous DREAM Act bills, the bill states that no amnesty will be granted to those who’ve served a year in prison or who’ve had three convictions on separate dates resulting in 90 days in jail. Also says no domestic abusers and human smugglers or illegal voters, etc., qualify. But believe it or not, the bill specifically allows the government to waive the disqualifications, even to allow domestic abusers to stay. See here:
“… Permitting the Secretary to waive select inadmissibility bars and crimes of domestic violence for humanitarian purposes, family unity, or if the waiver is otherwise in the public interest.”
Can you believe that in the 21st century, politicians are actually foreseeing granting benefits to men who beat up their wives for “humanitarian purposes” and for “family unity?” What could the public interest in aiding spousal abusers to stay in America possibly be?
Here is what the “Dream and Promise Act of 2019” DOESN’T do. The bill DOES NOT:
Does NOT end Chain Migration;
Does NOT mandate E-Verify;
Does NOT abolish the Visa Lottery;
Does NOT improve enforcement (in fact, it makes it worse); and
Does NOT ban sanctuary cities.
The American people gain NOTHING from this “Dreamers and Promise Act of 2019.” Each of us must oppose this bill by contacting our representatives, and by supporting NumbersUSA. Why?
- NumbersUSA will mobilize other NumbersUSA members to contact their members of Congress, using their toll-free phone lines and free, one-step faxing system. This will bombard Congress with faxes, e-mails, and phone calls in opposition to amnesty.
- They will be notifying activists of congressional town halls all spring and summer long.
- They already have begun alerting their seven million Facebook fans to contact key elected officials representing them who could support this amnesty.
- Their Capitol Hill team is working with allies on the Hill, to do everything to stop this amnesty.
- They will apply the heaviest pressure to newly-elected Democrats, especially in swing districts, to convince them their constituents won’t tolerate the fact that they’re siding with illegal aliens over their own country’s citizens.
The crisis at our southern border is real, and it is getting worse. If we don’t act now, we could lose everything.
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