What’s dangerous? A guide to our modern world
Let’s review what our current leaders and talking heads tell us is dangerous, and compare those things against what they tell us is not dangerous.
Dangerous | Not dangerous |
- Smoking - Second-hand smoke - Third-hand smoke - Fatty foods - Sugary foods - Not enough food - Meat and meat products - Food insecurity - Oil pipelines - Capitalism - Tea-Party patriots - Christians - Guns - Veterans - Cholesterol - Hetero-normalcy - Traditions - American exceptionalism - ‘Right-wing’ fascism - videos | |
- Flu season - Bird flu - Swine flu - Racial realities - Cultural appropriation - Sneezing - AIDS - Unsafe sex - George Bush - Rush Limbaugh - The Koch brothers - Conservative thought - Conservative opinion - Conservative protests - Conservative speech - Conservative women - Conservative blacks - Nazis - Republicans - Border controls - Voter registration checks - Government accountability - Government transparency - Privacy laws - Freedom of speech - Stand-your-ground laws - Fly-over country - Political criticism (U.S. only) - Poverty - Profits - Letting big corporations fail - Inequality - Unequal outcomes - ‘Disproportionate’ punishments - Meritocracy - Freedom of association - Rich people (conservatives only) - Self-reliance - White people - White privilege - Acting white | - Ebola |
Note that if you are accosted by a hater who disputes this accounting because of its apparently lop-sided nature, you may add to the “Not dangerous” list any of the following on an ad hoc basis.
- Abortion
- Affirmative action
- Big government
- Black mobs
- Black-on-white crime
- Career politicians
- Censorship
- Civil asset seizures
- Communism
- Democracy
- Federal deficits
- Federal spending
- Fiat currency
- Foreign adventurism
- Golf
- Government hand-outs
- High food prices
- High gas prices
- High taxes
- Illegal immigration
- Importing Third-world problems
- Inflation
- Islamic rape
- The knock-out ‘game’
- ‘Left-wing’ fascism
- Lobbyists
- Marijuana use
- Militarized police departments
- Obamacare
- ‘Occupy’ protesters
- One-world government
- Other Third-World diseases
- ‘Polar bear’ hunting
- Progressivism
- Racial pandering
- Racial preferences
- Racial set-asides
- Radical Islam (AKA Islam)
- Sex education in kindergarten
- Socialism
- Spending limits
- Spying
- Unarmed teens
- Voter fraud
- Wage controls
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