Thank you for voting against amnesty

I am glad that you voted against the Goodlatte-Ryan-Denham amnesty. This bill would have only rewarded illegal aliens and exacerbated our nation’s illegal immigration problem. Instead of learning from the mistakes of the 1986 amnesty, this bill would have repeated its mistakes by guaranteeing an amnesty for illegal aliens but only promising border security and enforcement.

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Mandatory E-Verify would shut off the jobs magnet and help end illegal immigration

I hope I can count on you to support legislation that requires all employers to use E-Verify. With 15 million Americans unable to find a full-time job and millions more suffering from the ramifications of a stolen identity, passing E-Verify is the single best action you can take to end illegal hiring and turn off the jobs magnet.

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Vote no on the Goodlatte-Ryan-Denham Amnesty bill

Despite the fact that Republicans campaigned against amnesty and for putting the interests of American workers first, a small group of Republicans is attempting to force the Republican Conference to violate their campaign promises in the middle of a border crisis.

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Please oppose the Goodlatte-Ryan-Denham amnesty bill (H.R. 6136)

In October of last year, the White House issued an extensive list of immigration principles. Among those principles were ending chain migration, mandating the use of E-Verify, fixing unaccompanied alien children and asylum loopholes, ending sanctuary cities, and improving interior enforcement. The President stated:

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