1. 23 million unemployed.
  2. 43 straight months of 8+% unemployment.
  3. 45 million on food stamps.
  4. Black poverty at record highs.
  5. Gas prices doubled.
  6. Black youth unemployment over 50%.
  7. Hispanic unemployment at 10.3%
  8. Illegals set to receive $7 billion.
  9. Food prices up more than 25%.
  10. Middle class has lost ⅓ of its net worth.
  11. Worst job creation record since 1945.
  12. Worst economic recovery in 75 years.
  13. Average household income declined $4,300.
  14. Health insurance increases $1,500 under Obama.
  15. Only President to have U.S. credit downgraded (twice).
  16. Over 100 million people on some form of means tested welfare.
  17. $6 trillion added to our debt; more than all other Presidents combined.

17 reasons not to vote for Obama