Republicans must take concrete action to stop Obama’s amnesty

I realize that you want to express your concern for President Obama’s decision to unilaterally amnesty millions of illegal aliens. However, proposing or backing standalone legislation that denounces, or even defunds, the amnesty will simply not work. The only possible way to stop the president’s illegal actions is to defund the amnesty in the DHS appropriations bill. Please focus all your attentions there.

Millions of Americans may never be able to find a full-time job again. Less-skilled Americans lucky enough to have work may see themselves replaced by newly-amnestied illegal aliens who are willing to do the same work for lower pay and fewer benefits. The president may rejoice, but most Americans will have very little to celebrate in the coming years and decades.

I know you want to fight President Obama’s amnesty and I understand the urge to support standalone legislation that would achieve this. However, these bills simply cannot work because the president will veto them.

At the moment, the best way to stop President Obama’s amnesty is to make sure it is defunded in the DHS appropriations bill.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this,

Greg Raven

P.S. Enough screwing around. Your staff promised us action this year. Stop caving in to Obama and the progressives and start landing some punches!

Author: Greg Raven

I am deeply concerned about quality of life issues.