Defeat HR 5893

Representative Jerry Lewis:

The American people don’t need more foreign workers; we need more jobs. The Startup Act 2.0, H.R. 5893, is going to put a lot more foreign workers in jobs America just doesn’t have and put even more Americans out of work. Please help a lot of recent college graduates and unemployed Americans out by opposing this legislation.
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Please speak with Rep. Kevin McCarthy

Representative Jerry Lewis,

I’m writing to ask you to reach out to Rep. Kevin McCarthy from Bakersfield, to remind him that he swore an oath of office to protect and defend the United States. This oath of office includes representing the interests of U.S. citizens, not those of illegal aliens … no matter what the pretext.
Continue reading Please speak with Rep. Kevin McCarthy

Secure our border

Senator Barbara Boxer,

To say I am disturbed by the video of drug smugglers sneaking into the United States using an automotive jack is putting it mildly. To be honest, I’m in an apoplectic fury. Everyone who has said that our border is secure has been lying and the proof is in the video.
Continue reading Secure our border